Losing Connection

A “short” story about how technology, when paired with tunnel vision and self-importance, stands in the way of human connection. Also, something about artificial intelligence, I guess. Oh, and there’s a dog in it. Every media and technology used for this project is mentioned in the audio recording.

2024 Summer Connection
2024 Summer Connection
Losing Connection

(Dis-) Connection, Culture and Identity

Culture is most often seen as a means to connect

As first-, second- and third-generation migrants, we observe and understand culture and identity very differently. In this podcast we want to share our experiences with you and give you insights into how culture can also create a disconnection.

Cover edited from: cultural_disconnect.jpg (561×283) (pointofview.net)

2024 Summer Connection
2024 Summer Connection
(Dis-) Connection, Culture and Identity

Neurodivergence and the impact of connection in online fandom spaces

In this podcast Michelle and Madeleine are going to talk about different aspects of neurodivergence and how living in our society as a neurodivergent person can negatively affect inter-human connections, even making neurodivergent people more vulnerable to falling victim to abuse.

Online fandom spaces can offer a safespace for all of those people who can otherwise feel alienated in real life social interactions, offering the chance to create meaningful relationships and connections, through shared struggles and interests.

Neurodivergence and the impact of connection in online fandom spaces

Shared experiences of womenhood

What connects women from all over the world with each other? Does being a woman feel different in different cultures and societies? And what are the experiences most women share despite their background? In this podcast, Charlotte, Julie and Johanna are talking about experiences and challenges that women across different cultures and backgrounds share and achievements they made through the connection of womenhood.


United Nations of Human Rights (2023, 23. January) “The world is failing 130 million girls denied education: UN experts”; https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/01/world-failing-130-million-girls-denied-education-un-experts

Unicef “Girl’s education”, https://www.unicef.org/education/girls-education

Unesco (2023, 13. January) “Key data on girls and women’s right to education”, https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/key-data-girls-and-womens-right-education

World Bank Group “Girl’s Education”, https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/girlseducation

Kerri Lee Alexander “Malala Yousafzai”, National Women’s History Museum, https://www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/malala-yousafzai

Pfündel, Katrin; Stichs, Anja; Tanis, Kerstin “Executive Summary of the study “Muslim Life in Germany 2020″” Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl 90461 Nürnberg, 2021

Human Rights Watch Submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on Egypt. (2020, 28. October). Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/10/13/human-rights-watch-submission-committee-elimination-discrimination-against-women

Lorde, A. (n. d.). I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own. Retrieved from https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/383017-i-am-not-free-while-any-woman-is-unfree-even

Oxfamde. (n. d.). Unbezahlte Hausarbeit, Pflege und Fürsorge. Oxfam Deutschland. https://www.oxfam.de/unsere-arbeit/themen/care-arbeit

World Health Organization: WHO. (2024, 25. March). Violence against women. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/violence-against-women

Shared experiences of womenhood

“Real enough?” – Online relationships in the digital age

Thanks to the capabilities of modern communication apps and social media, digital-only relationships have become more and more common in recent years, especially among younger people. Connecting to people you get along with and who share your own interests as easily as one can do nowadays is a wondrous thing – but it is not without its problems. In this episode, Lennart and Colin discuss the advantages and disadvantages of digital relationships and try to offer some advice on how to make them last.

© of images used for cover: Yan Krukau and Tima Miroshnichenko @ https://www.pexels.com

2024 Summer Connection
2024 Summer Connection
"Real enough?" - Online relationships in the digital age

Connections – Women Friendships

Join us today as we explore what makes women friendships so special, and how the internet plays an integral part in upholding our long-distance friendship.

2024 Summer Connection
2024 Summer Connection
Connections - Women Friendships

Everything is Connected – Social Media’s Influence on Us and Others

“Everything is Connected,” is the podcast where we delve into the intricate web of connections that shape our world. In this episode, hosts Sofia, Eva, Michelle, and Malik explore the realm of social media, sharing personal experiences with platforms, etc.

A topic we address in this episode is how addicting and time-consuming social media can be and how it can lead you to feel disconnected from your loved ones. Here are a few tips on how to build a more healthy relationship with social media usage:

  1. Do not use your phone for the first 30 to 60 minutes after waking up.
    When you wake up, your brain switches from a deep sleep state to one in which you are awake but still relaxed. In those states, the brain wave levels also change from so-called “theta, delta” and “alpha waves”. Using your phone, however, will cause you to be instantly awake and alert, skipping all the stages to “beta waves”. You force your brain to wake up instantly instead of undergoing the natural waking-up process.
  2. Fairly obvious point, but: Think critically about the content you are exposed to.
    Social media depicts unrealistic standards and almost unreachable goals. You should not compare yourself and your life to that of influencers or famous people on social media. If you are unsure what is realistic and what is not, inform yourself.
  3. Stop scrolling.
    Algorithms analyze what kind of content you like, what kind of medium you prefer and which content keeps you engaged to construct your feed to your liking. This means you will be provided personalized content that is supposed to keep you online. Limit the time you spend on social media by yourself, and do not scroll for hours.

2024 Summer Connection
2024 Summer Connection
Everything is Connected - Social Media's Influence on Us and Others

Interconnectedness in Feminist Art: From Paula Modersohn-Becker to Cindy Sherman

Discover how Modersohn-Becker, a trailblazer from the early 20th century, broke boundaries with her honest and intimate self-portraits, challenging societal norms and redefining female identity. Fast forward to the contemporary art scene, and we see Cindy Sherman continuing this legacy. Through her transformative and provocative photography, Sherman dons various personas to critique and deconstruct the roles and perceptions of women in Western culture.

2024 Summer Connection
2024 Summer Connection
Interconnectedness in Feminist Art: From Paula Modersohn-Becker to Cindy Sherman

The Special Connection of Soulmates

We go through life connecting with many different people and building relationships or friendships that shape who we are. In today’s episode, Mia and Liv dive deeper into the connection of soulmates, sharing their experiences, and trying to understand this special connection with the help of two friends.

© cover image: lilartsy on uplash

2024 Summer Connection
2024 Summer Connection
The Special Connection of Soulmates