Germany – Beyond Bratwurst and Beer

All over the world, German culture or more specifically German food culture, seems to be limited to what is traditional in Bavaria. But to what extent are those prejudices and clichés true? Do Americans have a more enlightened view of Germany than Germans expect them to have? Do German people behave subconsciously “typically German” perpetuating these prejudices? In this podcast, we would like to show that the lives of German students, especially in terms of food, go beyond your expectations! Guten Appetit!

2013/14 Winter: German Culture III
2013/14 Winter: German Culture III
Germany - Beyond Bratwurst and Beer

Oktoberfest in Germany and around the World

The Oktoberfest is probably one of the wildest folk festivals in Germany. But can you imagine this traditional Bavarian party being celebrated in a country as far away as China? Listen in on how Germans revel in this crazy fest and how people around the world celebrate their very own version of the Oktoberfest. Sit back, enjoy and maybe even have a nice cold German beer to get into the mood while listening!

2013 Summer: German Culture II
2013 Summer: German Culture II
Oktoberfest in Germany and around the World

Southern Hospitality

Ever wondered what it would be like to visit Germany? Have you ever experienced the Southern lifestyle in the US? In this conversation four discuss the things they enjoyed, disliked and found surprisingly different in each other’s countries. So, if you’re headed to Germany or to the South for some Southern hospitality – this dialogue will enable you to get a glimpse of what to expect on your visit! After all, you don’t want to seem like a tourist, right?

2013 Summer: German Culture II
2013 Summer: German Culture II
Southern Hospitality


Have you ever wondered who the Neanderthals weree and where they came from? Here you will find out more about our famous ancestors, their way of living, what they looked like and some facts about their history. We will also tell you the secret of where you can meet the Neanderthals today!

2013 Summer: German Culture II
2013 Summer: German Culture II

Music Festivals in Germany

Do you want to combine your summer holidays with music and entertainment? Meet new people, camp, dance and see your favorite music acts live? Then make sure to come to Germany and enjoy some of Europe’s biggest music festivals. No matter if you like metal, rock or hip-hop – the German festival culture covers every taste!

Find out right here where to go and what to do!

2013 Summer: German Culture II
2013 Summer: German Culture II
Music Festivals in Germany

What is German?

In this episode we are going to explore how Germans have developed throughout history – a process that makes it difficult to capture what being German is exactly.

2013/14 Winter: German Culture III
2013/14 Winter: German Culture III
What is German?

Trivia Quiz

Do you plan to visit either Germany or the U.S.? In his radio program „The How-To Show“, Homer Washington will introduce you to Prof. Liberty and Dr. Kraut, who will give you some helpful information on some dos and don’ts and how to survive as a first time visitor.

2013/14 Winter: German Culture III
2013/14 Winter: German Culture III
Trivia Quiz

Do’s and Don’ts in Germany – The How To Show

Do you plan to visit either Germany or the U.S.? In his radio program „The How-To Show“, Homer Washington will introduce you to Prof. Liberty and Dr. Kraut, who will give you some helpful information on some dos and don’ts and how to survive as a first time visitor.

2013/14 Winter: German Culture III
2013/14 Winter: German Culture III
Do’s and Don’ts in Germany - The How To Show

German Actors in Hollywood

Have you ever wondered why there are so few German actors starring in the big Hollywood blockbusters? Or what makes those actors special that do succeed there? In our podcast we will take a look at those actors who have achieved varying rates of success in Hollywood and discuss the factors which decide whether an actor is successful there or not. Tune in to this week’s episode of OralPod – the Student’s Podcast.

2013/14 Winter: German Culture III
2013/14 Winter: German Culture III
German Actors in Hollywood

False Friends and Idioms

Language.  It’s a tool for communication but sometimes things get lost in translation. So come and join us while we explore German idioms and false friends to hopefully open your eyes and ears to the confusing world of German and clear up some misunderstandings.

2013 Summer: German Culture II
2013 Summer: German Culture II
False Friends and Idioms