Travelguide Canada

Where to go and what to do when paying a visit to the world´s second largest country?

With a focus on the city of Vancouver this podcast gives you a very personal view of Canada.

Find out the whats and wheres in this episode of the OralPod Summer Edition.

Feel free to leave a comment for the students or ask a question.

2012 Summer: North America
2012 Summer: North America
Travelguide Canada

Authentic American Experience

How to experience the American way of life authentically is what three students discuss in this podcast. Is it enough to just speak English and spend some time in the US or is there more to it?

Please leave a comment in the commentbox below and let us know what you are thinking!

2012 Summer: North America
2012 Summer: North America
Authentic American Experience

Natural wonders of the USA

Skyscrapers, cities buzzing with life and noise, super big highways crammed with cars – that is what most people think of when they think of the USA. That this is a completely different side to the country of the free and the brave is what this little radioquiz shows.

Do you know of more natural wonders located in North America? Do you have a critical comment on the podcast? Leave a comment in the commentbox below.

2012 Summer: North America
2012 Summer: North America
Natural wonders of the USA

Radiotalk USA

Moody Mannee takes you on a fun engaging quiz all over the United States. In this episode selected calls have the chance to win a trip to the USA.

This staged radio show will inform you on various cultural and natural aspects of the United States and provide a fun quiz, where you can test your knowledge of America ;)


2012 Summer: North America
2012 Summer: North America
Radiotalk USA

The Literary Panel

No speed limits, Lederhosen, citizens who are doomed to accuracy, a history-beaten country in general – that´s what the world thinks Germany is like. Let yourself be drawn into an eye-opening interview and get another view of the Germany you might think you know.

Let (host) Arthur D. Mitchell and his guests tickle your ears and ….

We hope you enjoy this rather different episode of the OralPod

If you want to make your contribution to the literary panel leave your comments below.

2012 Summer: North America
2012 Summer: North America
The Literary Panel

Update 7: The Final Countdown

After weeks of brainwrecking creativity, hours of practicing, recording and editing we are proud to say that all groups have finished their podcasts.
Only a few of them will be published on this blog. The students had to decide whether they wanted their podcast online or not. Several groups agreed to publish their amazing work and we couldn´t be more happy to inform you that on 10th of September we will hit the “GO-button” and publish them.

You can then choose whether you would like to download the podcasts or rather stream them.

We (and the groups who worked so hard to produce something that is creative as well as informative) would love to read your comments on the podcasts.

So watch this place!

Kirsten & Marc

Coming Soon

In the future this blog will feature:

  • Behind the scenes footage: “What is recording a podcast really like”
  • Example Scripts from selected groups
  • Updates on post production and podcast editing
  • An audio-streaming service
  • A “How to Podcast”manual
  • Eventually the complete “OralPod Summer 2012 Edition

We are trying our best to deliver a user-friendly experience, which can be easily accessed and provide all the interesting information you are looking for regarding the project. If you feel something is missing or things could be improved, please let us know. Otherwise, we hope you enjoy this blog and are as exicted as we are about the upcoming features.

And as always, feel free to leave feedback in the comment section below.

We’ll be back soon!

Kirsten & Marc

Update 5: Pre-Recording

Hi everyone,

Today will be all about practice and getting the students ready for their first recording session. In the past couple of weeks the groups have worked on producing original texts on their topic and turn them into “detailed pronounciation guides”. Now it is time to put their work into action.

The students are now asked to read out their texts and practice as a group. The main focus is on pronounciation and word stress in order to give the scripted version a more natural touch. Exercises for the students include, reading texts with different emphasis on intonation and accent or acting out their “conversations” / texts like it were actual scripts for a movie.

By doing that we are trying to give the students the opportunity to get used to talking about their topics freely and more naturally. The scripts are now used as a guideline in order to correct pronounciation mistakes and to avoid grammatical errors. It is our goal that students may present their final version of the topic without using the scripts too much or even at all.

We’ll be back soon with the first recordings and behind the scenes material from the studio.

So, stay tuned!

Kirsten & Marc

Update 4: Scripted Conversations

Hi guys,

Today will be all about “scripted” conversations. As you are aware all groups of our project are required to at least partly script their conversation for the final recording sessions. Some may wonder, whis is that so?

Well, the answer is quite simple. On the one hand it is the most efficient way (method) of recording a good quality podcast without having any radio or professional recording knowledge. Even though a podcast is shaped like a radioshow, it is rather unprofessional and has a relatively personal attitude towards the audience that is achieved mostly through natural conversation.

On the other hand, a scripted conversation is the only way for us to really measure improvement of spoken English by objective standards and give advice on how to further develop a more natural sounding English.

In addition, a script may help the students to feel more comfortable and confident at first until they are used to speaking freely about their topic while being recorded.

That’s it for this week, so stay tuned for more information!

Until next week!

Kirsten & Marc

Update 3: Creative Writing

Hi everybody,

This week’s update is all about writing. We are currently entering the first important stage of our project. The students are now assigned to write a short draft of a conversation based on their topic. Within a time limit of about 5 minutes they can write (talk) about whatever they want concerning their chosen topic.

At the moment the groups try to figure out, which speaker roles will be present in the podcast and how to organize and structure their texts. At this stage of the project it is vital for everybody to work together and create a first scripted version of their conversation.

Later on the students will be asked to mark specific parts in their script in order to help them with pronounciation. For example, students may use symbols to indicate pauses or a rise and fall in their voice. This technique will help us to get done quickly in the recording studio and deliver a high quality conversation on tape.

If you have questions about the current progress of the project, please feel free to leave a comment. We will be back shortly with more information on the podcasts and some first examples of scripts.

Have a nice week!

Kirsten & Marc