What is German and what is Bavarian?
And what’s the difference? Is there a difference at all? Don´t all Germans wear a dirndl and lederhosen all day every day? Find out the truth about Bavarians (and other Germans) in this episode of the Oral Pod!

Podcasts for students by students
What is German and what is Bavarian?
And what’s the difference? Is there a difference at all? Don´t all Germans wear a dirndl and lederhosen all day every day? Find out the truth about Bavarians (and other Germans) in this episode of the Oral Pod!
What would a students´ podcast be without them: Cliches! And because we are German we like to talk about one kind of cliche the most: German cliches.
With a very self-critical approach to the topic this group of students will make you laugh as well as think about what cliches you might have heard of already and which ones are totally new to you.
Are Germans really as punctual as everyone says and does every German love his car as much as his son?
Have you ever heard of the famous German Christmas markets?
Do you know what “Glühwein” is and until when the Christmas markets are open for the public?
If you have or haven´t heard of all of that before, this podcast will make you want to dress up warm and go to one of the traditional German Christmas markets right away!
The two great Kings of Rock united for once in this episode of the OralPod. Learn more about their childhood, adult life and of course their intoxicating music.
How did a boy from Mississippi and a lad from Washington state end up the uncrowned Kings of Pop and Rock?
Get your ears rocking and listen in on this Elvis and Cobain- mix!
Who has not seen this movie? Who doesn´t know quotes like “That’s thirty minutes away. I’ll be there in ten.”? This podcast is all about Pulp Fiction. Besides all the blood and the swearing there is something great to this movie. No idea what that might be? Have a closer listen and find out!
Everyone knows them, everyone laughs at them when once again someone killed Kenny: South Park characters. Some of them are painted with the brush of prejudices against Canadians. Which prejudices there are and whether there is actually a spark of truth in them is what this podcast is about.
A group of traditionalist Christians living the simple, back to the roots life 24/7. No Tv, no internet and surely no podcasts! Can you imagine living like that? Learn more about Amish people and their way of life.
Please leave a comment in the comment box below and get your very un-Amish podcast stream:
Vanessa and Kai are going to talk about the award-winning Candian rap artist, author and actor Baba Brinkman.
You have never heard of him before? Go ahead and download the podcast below.
What do you think about Baba? Do you like his music? Leave feedback below.
Real-life interaction with top athletes, rock band performances and lots, lots, lots of high-class contestants chasing after the next big chance to show off their skills: Welcome to the annual X Games!
Download the podcast now or use our streaming option below!
We want to know your opinion on the X-games! Feel free to leave feedback in the comments below.
Where to go and what to do when paying a visit to the world´s second largest country?
With a focus on the city of Vancouver this podcast gives you a very personal view of Canada.
Find out the whats and wheres in this episode of the OralPod Summer Edition.
Feel free to leave a comment for the students or ask a question.