The 5 best things to do in Düsseldorf

Our Podcast addresses exchange students who will spend their semester abroad in Düsseldorf. It gives them some ideas of what they can experience in this amazing city.

2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
The 5 best things to do in Düsseldorf

Lothar Mixdown

German and English idioms and why they might not quite work in the other language…

2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
Lothar Mixdown

Summer Festival

2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
Summer Festival

Wu-Tang Eller

The Wu-Tang Eller podcast takes you on a journey of German stereotypes, with an incredible level of street cred that would make Ice Cube chilly. We even made our own amazing theme song, which was sadly too amazing to share… so you’ll just have to imagine it. SHAZOOOGLE!

2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
Wu-Tang Eller

ESN – Erasmus Exchange Student Network

Campus Radio is currently airing a special broadcast about studying abroad. This week’s topic is “How to engage in your local town?”

To answer this question, the broadcast introduces ESN Düsseldorf. ESN, Erasmus Exchange Student Network, is a student association that accompanies international students in their semester abroad. To learn more, just listen!

2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
ESN - Erasmus Exchange Student Network

The job interview

We all have to go to job interviews at least once in our lives. This podcast should illustrate you how to (not) behave during a professional job interview.

2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
The job interview

Student Life

A German student’s life is like – well, like what? We tried to figure out the most common opinions about a German student’s life and after hard work of research we maybe found the truth …

2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
Student Life

German stereotypes uncovered

Do you know that feeling when someone asks those ridiculous questions based purely on stereotypes? Well, we do too. German stereotypes.

2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
German stereotypes uncovered


This Podcast gives you first-hand information about student life in Düsseldorf and the prejudices you might have to cope with. If you´re thinking about studying at the HHU then this gives you a small but true insight of students´ campus life.

2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off
2015/16 Winter: Student life - on campus and off